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Do you have Navigation Dysfunctional Disorder?              

Navigation Dysfunctional Disorder is simply a complex that people experience when their lives are moving in the wrong direction.  It is equivalent to driving a car but traveling in the wrong direction.   Navigation Dysfunctional Disorder is a concept that I, Dr. Erainia Freeman, created after observing human behavior for over 20 years and noticed common human behavioral traits of people that were not living their lives to the maximum potential. The Navigation Dysfunctional Disorder theory is also referred to as the ND Squared Complex.

After observing human behavior among people ranging from ages 16 through 99, I observed similar characteristics of people that stated their lives felt incomplete in several ways.  Many people felt that they could be doing more things with their lives, but did not know how to move forward and accomplish life meaningful goals and tasks.

The behaviors observed of people that meet the Navigation Dysfunctional Disorder criteria were feelings of dread, disappointment, sadness, confusion, and a general sense of  loss, or  feeling off course of their life’s human ability to be successful.  Navigation Dysfunctional Disorder feels like your life has stalled and/or your battery needs a jump to be recharged.

Navigation Dysfunctional Disorder Signs & Symptoms Chart

Physical SignsEmotional SignsPsychological SignsSymptoms
HeadachesExcessive WorryDepressedIrrational Thoughts
Stomach ProblemsInability to ConcentrateFeelings of constant dreadInability to concentrate
FatigueIrritability Feelings of helplessness
InsomniaFeeling Anxious Feelings of hopelessness


Lastly, a person with this disorder may feel as if he/she needs to make a U-turn, re-evaluate their life path, and implement effective life management skills. With cognitive restructuring and goal management skills, Navigation Dysfunctional Disorder can be treated.


© 2013 Dr. Erainia Freeman. All rights reserved.